Introduction and Study Design:

MacInnes Farms is located in the heart of a popular Agritourism area. MacInnes farms has creatively foraged a new concept that maintains the integrity of agriculture land, whilst still providing a profitable business for a family operation. MacInnes Farms is now home to "Canadian Western Studios and Backlot Inc.," better known as James Town. Having a vesting interested in financially securing MacInnes Farms, I am proposing a new concept that would compliment Canadian Western Studios and Backlot and would not hinder future farm use on the land. This concept combines daycare services, an approved use of ALR land with a Cafe. Therefore instead of a conventional daycare, the purpose is for families, moms or dads, with their children to visit 248th street, which includes farms such as JD Turkeys, Krause Brother Farms, Driediggers and the world-class equestrian centre, Thunderbird. As part of their experience they can bring their children and or dog to enjoy James Town and then enjoy some time in the cafe in the rural setting, while their children are entertained for up to one to two hours.

There are factors and restraints that limit the areas where this cafe, Baby Lattes, should be located. The focus of this Geography 355 term project is to locate a suitable area within MacInnes Farms for the new cafe concept, Baby Lattes. In order to comply within the ALR restrictions the building would be temporary and moveable and set back from the road by 20 meters, 15 meters is required from the ALR standards. Only pre-existing parkinglots and gravelled areas will be utilised, thus minimising any degradation to the existing land. Using the multi-criteria evaluation analysis wizzard (MCE) in IDRISI a suitable location for Baby Lattes may be found. The factors effecting the location are: Slope, Distance to Road, Soil Type. There are also several factors constraining the available space of development: Water Bodies, Developed areas (James Town, houses, road set back) and Conifer Forest. Baby Lattes and James Town are examples of temporary developments which do not hinder the integrity of the agricultural land and allow farmers to rethink, in a create way how to use and preserve farmland until otherwise equitable.


Geography 355 : Finding a Premier Location for a Cafe Concept on MacInnes Farms using Multi-Criteria Analyses

Contact Me: Melanie MacInnes